LIVE LAUGH LOVE Panama City BeachWednesday Mar 17, 2010
I just got back from my first spring break Panama City Beach and I had the time of my life. It was hands down the best 7 days I have ever had. It might even be better than Christmas.
My friends and I spent our days waking up at the crack of dawn, heading down to the beach and basking in the sun. We were with a big group of people, probably around 30ish and we had our Saluki flag up on the beach. We made so many friends and stayed out on the beach until it started getting chilly. Then, we headed back to our rooms, got a quick bite to eat (we did go to a nice restaurant 2 of the nights) but preferred to grab fast food so we didn’t waste much time. We all took power naps, got ready and headed out for a night on the town.
Good restaurants, drinks, clubs and for the most part, weather. The weather could have been a little nicer but it was decent and I still came back with a tan so it’s cool with me.
I’m really not even sure how I’m writing this blog because I was on 4 hours of sleep each night and I’m still not caught up. I’m not sure if I had more fun during the day or at night, it was all a blur of fun! I can’t even wait until next year. The rumors are true; Spring Break Panama City Beach is truly the spring break destination for college students! If anyone wants to start planning his or her trip for next year, let me know! If I could go back for 2 weeks, I would. I don’t know if I would survive but I would sure try.

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