Saving for your spring break tripMonday Apr 12, 2010
There’s all sorts of ways to save up for your spring break. I know what it’s like when you’re researching your spring break destination whether it be spring break Cancun or spring break Bahamas. After all, you’re only a college student and can barely afford that coffee you grab on the way to that class let alone pay for a spring break trip. Relax. It isn’t as difficult to save up for your trip as you might imagine.
First of all, spring break is a time to let go and relax, and for some of you, it’s your last spring break and a chance to really let loose. You want to save up as much as you can to really enjoy spring break. So, you’re going to need to sacrifice some to get there.
Number 1: stop buying that coffee every morning on the way to class. Let’s say you buy a $4 coffee every day on your way to class. If you cut that out, you’ll save $20 a week, and if you do that every day, you’ve got $80 in savings to put towards part of your trip. The same goes for your late night snacking and debauchery. Cut out one day a weekend and the savings can really add up!
Number 2: have you thought of a job be it full time or part time? Sure going to school can be very time consuming and you are there to learn, after all, but if you have the time to work even part time, you can save money quickly for your spring break trip. If you even work 10 hours a week making minimum wage ($7.50 let’s say), that’s an extra $75 a week to save!
Number 3: if it comes down to it, gather all the loose change you can find, save it in a jar and wait until you’re close to your spring break day and cash it in. Now you’ve got some walking around money for when you land!
Number 4: If you know where you want to go and have enough time, ask your parents for the money as a gift or the rest of your family. They’ll be happy to help because, let’s face it, once you’re out of school, they expect you to go to work and pay off those disastrous and monstrous loans as soon as possible!
These are just a few ways you can come up with some money to pay for your spring break. I’m sure you’re creative enough to come up with others. We can add more to this list as we go along!

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